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BGP Configuration in Nokia, Cisco, Juniper and Huawei Part 1

BGP is a routing protocol used to exchange routing information between different autonomous systems (Ases) and is described in RFC 4271, A BGP 4. An IGP such as OSPF or IS-IS have a main role for exchange of routing information within each AS. BGP is very scalable and stable routing, therefore bgp in most cases is deployed to improve/enhanced the existing network.

BGP can scale to million of routes and multiple copies of the Internet route table. Therefore, BGP is the fundamental routing protocol of the internet and is used  by every ISP in the world for ISP interoperability. Right now BGP still growth to support various capabilities such as multiple protocol families. Read More

[Junos Routing] Cara Konfigurasi Routing RIP

Yeahhh…udah lama gk nulis, hehe…ini ane baru nulis lagi di blog routecloud,. oke kali ini mau ngebahas cara konekin router juniper menggunakan routing protokol rip, nah mari kita lihat gambar berikut ini supaya lebih jelas 🙂

rip topology rev1Siippp..gambar sudah ada,,jadi tinggal config dah..

#01 Config IP di R1, R2, R3




#02 Setting Routing RIP




#03 Konfigurasi Policy untuk meng-advertise protocol direct dan rip,




#04 Klo sudah selsai jangan lupa di commit, saatnya anda melakukan test, apakah R1, R2, R3 sudah saling tukar routing information? mari kita cek dengan show route.

nahh,,di R3 sudah dapat route ke yang mana itu adalah ip R1, sory ye klo di gambar ip nya hehe.. selanjutnya mari kita coba test ping

Sekian ya,, semoga membantu 🙂